Los ocho consejeros nombrados por el presidente del Gobierno de Asturias, Javier Fernández, han tomado posesión este mediodía y el jefe del Gabinete les ha agradecido de antemano la responsabilidad que asumen y que sean "conscientes del desafío que afrontan" ante las dificultades actuales.
Los ocho consejeros, cinco mujeres y tres hombres, han usado la fórmula de la promesa en el acto de toma de posesión celebrado en la sede de la Presidencia del Gobierno del Principado, en una jornada laboral en la capital asturiana entre dos días festivos, el domingo y el Martes de Campo ovetense.
En un breve discurso tras las promesas del cargo de los ocho consejeros, Fernández ha recalcado que demuestran coraje al asumir la responsabilidad para "sacar adelante el trabajo entre todos y sacar adelante a Asturias".
El Gobierno formado por el secretario general de la FSA-PSOE sucede al conformado por el presidente de Foro, Francisco Álvarez-Cascos, hace diez meses y diez días, tras un adelanto electoral, con, en principio, una legislatura de tres años por delante, hasta mayo de 2015.
La primera reunión del Consejo de Gobierno será esta tarde a las 17.00 horas, una vez que los consejeros hayan recogido sus carteras de manos de sus antecesores en las sedes de los departamentos.
El primero de ellos ha sido el exalcalde de Siero y consejero de Presidencia, Guillermo Martínez Suárez, quien la ha recibido del exconsejero Florentino Alonso Piñón en la misma sede de Presidencia.
The eight members appointed by the President of the Government of Asturias, Javier Fernandez, have taken up this afternoon and head of the Cabinet thanked them in advance to assume responsibility and are "aware of the challenge facing" to the current difficulties.
The eight directors, five women and three men have used the formula of promise in the inauguration ceremony held at the headquarters of the Presidency of the Government of the Principality, in a working day in the Asturian capital between two holidays, Sunday and Tuesday Oviedo Country.
In a brief speech after the promises of office of eight directors, Fernandez stressed that demonstrate courage in taking the responsibility to "take forward the work among them and move forward to Asturias".
The government formed by the secretary general of the PSOE happens to FSA-up of the Forum president, Francisco Alvarez-Cascos, ten months and ten days of an electoral breakthrough, with, in principle, a term of three years ahead until May 2015.
The first meeting of the Governing Council will be this afternoon at 17.00, once the directors have collected their portfolios held by his predecessors at the headquarters of the departments.
The first was the former mayor of Siero and presidential advisor, Guillermo Martínez Suárez, who has received the Pinon exconsejero Florentino Alonso at the headquarters of the Presidency.
The eight directors, five women and three men have used the formula of promise in the inauguration ceremony held at the headquarters of the Presidency of the Government of the Principality, in a working day in the Asturian capital between two holidays, Sunday and Tuesday Oviedo Country.
In a brief speech after the promises of office of eight directors, Fernandez stressed that demonstrate courage in taking the responsibility to "take forward the work among them and move forward to Asturias".
The government formed by the secretary general of the PSOE happens to FSA-up of the Forum president, Francisco Alvarez-Cascos, ten months and ten days of an electoral breakthrough, with, in principle, a term of three years ahead until May 2015.
The first meeting of the Governing Council will be this afternoon at 17.00, once the directors have collected their portfolios held by his predecessors at the headquarters of the departments.
The first was the former mayor of Siero and presidential advisor, Guillermo Martínez Suárez, who has received the Pinon exconsejero Florentino Alonso at the headquarters of the Presidency.
Sara Felisa González González
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